domingo, 2 de octubre de 2022

The feeling of Liminality

 What are liminal spaces? - Quora

Physical Liminal Spaces

Perhaps a physical liminal space is easiest to understand. You are in physical liminal spaces all the time, but typically you often don’t notice them because you're only there for fleeting moments. 

Think of a staircase. It takes you from one floor to another, and you often don’t think twice about your time on a staircase. But what about if you get stuck in a stairwell? Then, visions of horror movies might start racing through your head.  

Emotional Liminal Spaces

More simply, a liminal space may be thought of as a transitionary period. People will face many different liminal spaces during all of life's phases. Some will be longer than others and some will be harder than others, but, by definition, liminality has an endpoint. 

Metaphorical Liminal Spaces

Metaphorically, a liminal space exists any time there are two ideas that someone is vacillating between. A trapeze makes an excellent metaphor for this. Once you jump off the platform, you are literally swinging through the air, waiting to transition from where you came from to where you are going. 

You might also think of having to choose between two decisions. Maybe you need to choose between spending the evening with your romantic partner or your best friend. Until you make a decision, you are in a liminal space. 

 Solar Sands




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