domingo, 2 de octubre de 2022

What is a Liminal Space?


There are places in this world where the expectations of reality are broken, a place that has lost its purpose or never had one to begin with, a place that expects you to swifly transition through it but it feels wrong when you overstay your welcome.

This are places the internet has coined as Liminal Spaces, a place between what was and what is places that exist between the threshold of reality, Liminal Spaces ias a topic i've been passionate about for a very long time, and because of its very nature of being unexplainable it's really hard to define what a Liminal Space is.
In this entry we will take a deep dive into de intricacies of Liminal Spaces, figure out  why and how things are liminal and understand the feeling of Liminality.


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Espacios Liminales y Sueños

  Hay dos estados oníricos que, juntos, conforman el sueño liminal: la hipnagogia y la hipnopompia. Cuando te quedas dormido por la noche o...